T.I. was cut a great deal today. Instead of facing almost 8 years in prison he only has to spend 1. Today, an Atlanta Judge sentenced T.I. to one year in jail, if he complies with his plea agreement. According to his plea agreement, he only has to do 1000 hours of community service. He has to go around the world and speak to young people about the dangers and consequences of not obeying the law. AFTER he finishes his 1000 hours, he then has to serve 1 year and a 1 day worth of prison time. AND he probably won’t have to stay in jail that long- if he has good behavior they can knock up to 15% of his time off.
What did T.I. have to say about his good fortune? "While I'm not looking forward to being incarcerated, I have a long road of redemption to travel."
T.I. was also fined $100,000.
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