Thursday, March 27, 2008

Janet Jackson Get's Excited Over Gay Porn

Janet, who recently did an interview with Instinct Magazine, gushed about how she enjoyed looking at gay porn. Check out some of the excerpts below.

Janet on Gay People and Dancing:

“They love to dance, so do I, and there's that on this album for them to move to. I think they'll be able to connect lyrically to the music, the songs and the concepts.”

Janet on Gay Porn:

“It’s gotten me excited a couple times. [Laughs] That’s how I feel about it!”
Janet on Being Gay:

“It never frustrated me. I never got upset behind it. For what reason? Why get upset because someone said you were gay or called you gay? That should upset me? Then it would be something negative to me, and it's not. It's just another rumor, like all the rest of them.”
~Well J.D. is sticking around for some reason…maybe it’s Janet’s adventurous side that keeps him going~