Friday, March 28, 2008

PETA Tries to Save Aretha's House

Aretha Franklin, the self-proclaimed Queen of Soul, is having major money problems. Apparently, she hasn’t been able to pay the taxes on her $700,000 Detroit mansion and as a result of being $19, 192 dollars behind, her house is going into foreclosure.
But luckily, the PETA organization is trying to help her out. They recently wrote her a letter agreeing to pay her tax bill if she promises to never wear fur again and to donate her unwanted furs to the group.

Here’s the letter:

“Dear Ms. Franklin,

I am writing regarding the pending foreclosure of your home. We would like to help you out by paying the approximately $19,000 in back taxes that you owe-if you’ll agree to save animals from hideous suffering and death by promising never to wear fur again and donating your old furs to PETA.

We are absolutely sincere in making this offer-we believe that you know in your heart that your fans will love you even more if you make a fur-free resolution.

As you no doubt now realize, animals who are trapped in the wild can suffer for days before dying from exposure, frostbite, shock, or infection or by being strangled, stomped, or bludgeoned to death by trappers.

Animals on fur farms are confined to tiny, filthy cages where they often go insane before they are gassed, poisoned, or electrocuted or have their necks broken. These crude killing methods aren’t always effective, and sometimes animals are skinned alive.

Our offer is a win-win situation: You get to keep your home, and animals get to keep their lives. We are rooting for you to please give animals the R-E-S-P-E-C-T that they deserve by giving up fur.”