Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Oprah recently bought her best friend Gayle King, a $7.1 million dollar penthouse. Reports show that Oprah bought her best friend this penthouse under a business that is named after her dead dog, Sophie. Supposedly “Sophie’s Penthouse LLC” purchased this 3 ½ bath home as a gift to Gayle.

But, I guess we should remember Oprah is worth $1.4 billion. So buying a $7.1 million dollar house for a friend is like me buying my best friend a Tiffany’s necklace for her birthday…. it won’t break the bank.

~Well I can’t wait until I’m all grown-up so I can have money as long as that…I’ll get my BF a Rolex or hell even a 745…but one things for sure she won’t be getting a PENTHOUSE~


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wish I had a friend like that!

Anonymous said...

Danggg...I know they gotta have somethin going on