According to the New York Post, the majority of the Jackson’s aren’t doing too well financially. Some of the Jackson boys are even still living at home! Here’s what they’re all supposedly doing:
Michael the most famous of them all is on the verge of losing Neverland ranch as well as the family's Encino, Calif., home. He is currently hiding out in Las Vegas.
Michael the most famous of them all is on the verge of losing Neverland ranch as well as the family's Encino, Calif., home. He is currently hiding out in Las Vegas.
Marlon works at Vons supermarket in San Diego stocking shelves and he’s temporarily moved into an extended-stay hotel with his wife.
Tito has a band and they play at small gigs for $500 to $1,500.
Randy does odd jobs for income. Most recently he served as Michael's business manager during the 2005 molestation trial, but ran into problems with friends after he persuaded three people to take out lines of credits against their homes to help Michael pay his attorney fees and Michael never repaid them!
Jackie tried to be an entrepreneur and opened up an Internet clothing business that failed horribly… he also tries to produce. He still lives at home with his parents.
Jermaine splits his time between his parent’s home and his girlfriend's home. He has more than $5 million in federal, state and other liens against him and a 1995 bankruptcy filing. He does not work and is still involved in a messy, protracted divorce.
Janet is the current breadwinner of the family. She bought her mom a Vegas home in anticipation of losing the family's mansion to foreclosure.
La Toya is the black sheep of the family for declaring Michael guilty during the 1993 molestation case. She earns a living mostly in Europe judging beauty and singing contests. She lives with a wealthy boyfriend in Beverly Hills and has little contact with her siblings.
Rebbie married successful businessman Nathaniel Brown.
BUTTT Get THIS: Joe is trying to put together a plan so that they can all be rich again…saying, "We can get back out there and set the world on fire. If the Rolling Stones can still rake in the money, so too can my boys." Hmmmmmmmm okay Joe…okay!!!
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