Friday, August 29, 2008


I caught this story off another blog site so don't hold it as the truth...but it is interesting. According to an insider has leaked information to them that Dawn is going solo and leaving the Dollhouse behind.

Now this story does make some sense. If you think back to Dawn's birthday party none of the other members of Danity Kane came. Also, if you saw the TRL show where Danity Kane played Making the Band games against Day 26, Dawn was at the forefront and acted as the leader of the group. To add more juice to this solo idea, Dawn has hired her own personal publicist.

Maybe she is going solo...maybe this is all a rumor... but either way check out what this "illiterate" source had to say (and I did not edit the sources comments because I wanted you to see the level of intelligence yourself.)

To sum it up it’s the girls (D. Woods, Aubrey, Aundrea & Shannon - not as much) against Diddy and Dawn. They found out and believe that Diddy was doing some real shady stuff with Dawn on the side! Not on the sexual tip, but flying her to him for private minutes and whatnot, basically putting together her solo project behind the rest of there’s back. Of course Aubrey has been the mouth piece in how jacked up it is and has rallied D. Woods against Dawn; hence none of them showing up to her bday party or them giving her the middle school cafeteria treatment at the recent party. Of course Diddy doesn’t care, he wants Dawn to be the star (which is why last season of MTB showed mostly her and you rarely saw the other girls) and even now he still has Dawn and only Dawn going out to do promotions on behalf of Danity Kane. If you go to Dawn’s myspace page, so does have some “newer” solo material up…I can’t say I’m 100 on that’s what she has been doing with Puff but it is definitely her own material. Bad Boy is keeping it hush hush because they still want Dawn to seem like the sweet and innocent one, which she may be….but the rest of D.K. are still pretty pissy because they don’t believe she is the most talented and are heated that she would go along with Puff and do recordings, meetings, and press without letting “her girls/her sisters” know about it.

~I will keep you posted~