Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chris Brown and Rihanna Both Claim to be BFF’s

This weekend, during the Kid’s Choice Awards, Rihanna told MTV News that “We are best friends, honestly, like brother and sister.”

Rihanna continued to say, "We both started our careers around the same time. He is one of the only people in the industry … I trust and hang out with all the time. If he was a boyfriend, I would say that."

At the same event, Chris said "They keep asking me, 'What's the deal?' I'm like, 'There's no deal. No deal.' We're just friends." The singer then said, "Be yourself, and see as many girls as possible!"

~Well one of my great male friends once told MEa guy and girl can never be “just friends” somebody is going to always want more…So even if they are really just friends right now something is bound to pop-off one of these days~


Anonymous said...

Friends they be on each other 2 much

Anonymous said...

Chris know he love him some Rihanna

Anonymous said...

and did ya'll see them in London- friends dont travel around the world together and escape out of nightclubs at different times

Anonymous said...

they tryin to be the new J & B and Chris got J on looks

Anonymous said...